Hey there!

Thanks so much for visiting my site. I am a pretty simple guy. I love God. I love his word. I love the gospel. And I like to talk and write about it everywhere I can, including on this site.

It is an honor to have you here. I hope the text, audio, or video housed here will point you to Jesus. This life isn’t easy, but it can be beautiful, and I believe God does his finest work in those who seek him in his word. And maybe—just maybe—something I say or write will help you know him better.


Calvary Monterey longs to see the fame of Christ. By fame, we mean His glory, His renown, or, to borrow from Colossians, His preeminence (Colossians 1:18). When Jesus is famous, everything changes and He becomes our passion, because His love is better than life. When Jesus is famous in us, we love Him. We know Him and He knows us. We are captivated by His grace, His forgiveness, and His love. When Jesus is famous among us, we grow in Him. Our motivations change in pursuit of the gospel. His Spirit transforms us into a loving community. When Jesus is famous through us, we share Him. Jesus saturates our everyday rhythms and conversations. We are empowered to be on mission, serving those around us.

I grew up in this amazing church, and have served as lead pastor since 2008. I am joined in this mission by my amazing bride, Christina, and my three daughters.